Author: Jillian Clare

My Perfect Ring featuring Chinchar/Maloney

I’m so excited to be sharing this amazing brand with you!  Chinchar/Maloney is a fine jewelry collaboration between Colin Chincar and Marian Maloney!  They started it up in Brooklyn, NY and have since grown to have a home in Portland,…

The Temporary Bangs

I think we’ve all had a moment in our lives where for one reason or another, we drive to our hair stylist and make them give us bangs!  I’ve definitely done it…and regretted it!  I was 17 and had super…

Labor Day Weekend at Lucy’s

On Sunday, I went to a family friends 50th birthday bash over in Palm Springs!  The coolest part of this house, is that Lucille Ball used to stay there when she’d go over to Palm Springs.  It was so nice…

Back To School Hairstyle

When going back to school, one must have the easiest hairstyle to deal with to avoid getting up extra early…here’s your solution this year!! This hairstyle was sooooo simple!!!  All I had to do was let my hair dry naturally…