2015 Hollyweb Festival Awards

The other night was the Hollyweb Festival Awards show!!!  My show, Acting Dead, was in the festival this year and we had such a blast all weekend!  I love the indie community so much!!!  And I adored this little last-minute…

Karelen Product Review

I love trying new body butters, hand creams, and oils to help my crazy curly hair!!  So I was so excited to try out Karelen‘s line of products!  I’ve been using these three amazing products now for over a week…

Walking Urban Ad

The weather here in LA has been really strange lately….one day it’s 90 degrees and the next it’s trying to pass as Seattle!  So I’ve been rocking a lot of sweaters over dresses! Sweater:  Urban Outfitters | I actually got…

March Lips

Okay…I’ve been doing this lip liner & lipstick combo lately that’ just killing me.  I absolutely love it and I just had to share it! For the liner, I use a duo lip crayon from La Bella Donna’s Love Lips…