Hello my lovelies! This tip I’m about to share with you is a little weird, but awesome nonetheless! In February of this year, I started going to an esthetician. She gave me the best products, and even better advice! One…
I’m so excited to tell you about this brand I recently discovered!!! I got this awesome kit from Je Beau Cosmetics. I’m really particular about the makeup I use, and I can’t get enough of this line! I got…
I used to have really long hair that was super thick!!! Every time I was on set, the hair dressers commented on how wonderful my hair was. This is what my hair used to look like: It was full, long,…
DEVELOP GOOD SKIN HABITS If you have good skin, developing good habits to take care of your skin will help keep your skin looking it’s best. The best tip I can give you is to keep your skin clean. Always…